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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 112150028

Words: sedge

Gloss: grasslike or rushlike plant growing in wet places having solid stems, narrow grasslike leaves and spikelets of inconspicuous flowers

hypernym 113122364 - bog_plant, marsh_plant, swamp_plant
member holonym 112149751 - Cyperaceae, family_Cyperaceae, sedge_family
derivationally related 300210079 - sedgy
hyponym 112150722 - Cyperus_alternifolius, umbrella_plant, umbrella_sedge
hyponym 112150969 - Cyperus_esculentus, chufa, earth_almond, ground_almond, rush_nut, yellow_nutgrass
hyponym 112151170 - Cyperus_longus, galangal, galingale
hyponym 112151365 - Cyperus_papyrus, Egyptian_paper_reed, Egyptian_paper_rush, paper_plant, paper_rush, papyrus
hyponym 112151615 - Cyperus_rotundus, nut_grass, nut_sedge, nutgrass, nutsedge
hyponym 112152031 - Carex_arenaria, sand_reed, sand_sedge
hyponym 112152251 - Carex_pseudocyperus, cypress_sedge
hyponym 112152532 - cotton_grass, cotton_rush
hyponym 112153033 - Scirpus_acutus, hardstem_bulrush, hardstemmed_bulrush
hyponym 112153224 - Scirpus_cyperinus, wool_grass
hyponym 112153580 - spike_rush

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