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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 111915214

Words: composite, composite_plant

Gloss: considered the most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants, characterized by florets arranged in dense heads that resemble single flowers

hypernym 111669921 - flower
member holonym 111911591 - Asteraceae, Compositae, aster_family, family_Asteraceae, family_Compositae
derivationally related 302701099 - composite
hyponym 111915658 - compass_flower, compass_plant
hyponym 111915899 - everlasting, everlasting_flower
hyponym 111923174 - Anthemis_cotula, dog_fennel, mayweed, stinking_chamomile, stinking_mayweed
hyponym 111923397 - Anthemis_tinctoria, dyers'_chamomile, golden_marguerite, yellow_chamomile
hyponym 111923637 - Anthemis_arvensis, corn_chamomile, corn_mayweed, field_chamomile
hyponym 111990167 - Chrysanthemum_maximum, Leucanthemum_maximum, oxeye_daisy
hyponym 111990313 - Chrysanthemum_maximum_maximum, Leucanthemum_superbum, shasta_daisy
hyponym 111990627 - Chrysanthemum_lacustre, Leucanthemum_lacustre, Pyrenees_daisy
hyponym 112023407 - Chrysanthemum_ptarmiciflorum, Tanacetum_ptarmiciflorum, dusty_miller, silver-lace, silver_lace
hyponym 112023726 - Tanacetum_vulgare, golden_buttons, scented_fern, tansy
hyponym 112030654 - crown-beard, crown_beard, crownbeard

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