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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 111779300

Words: aroid, arum

Gloss: any plant of the family Araceae; have small flowers massed on a spadix surrounded by a large spathe

hypernym 112205694 - herb, herbaceous_plant
member holonym 111778534 - Araceae, arum_family, family_Araceae
derivationally related 302641201 - araceous, aroid
hyponym 111780148 - Arum_maculatum, cuckoopint, jack-in-the-pulpit, lords-and-ladies
hyponym 111780424 - Arum_palaestinum, black_calla
hyponym 111782036 - alocasia, elephant's_ear, elephant_ear
hyponym 111782761 - amorphophallus
hyponym 111782878 - Amorphophallus_campanulatus, Amorphophallus_paeonifolius, elephant_yam, pungapung, telingo_potato
hyponym 111783162 - Amorphophallus_rivieri, devil's_tongue, snake_palm, umbrella_arum
hyponym 111783488 - Amorphophallus_titanum, krubi, titan_arum
hyponym 111784497 - Arisaema_atrorubens, Arisaema_triphyllum, Indian_turnip, jack-in-the-pulpit, wake-robin
hyponym 111784825 - Arisaema_dracontium, green_dragon
hyponym 111785276 - Arisarum_vulgare, friar's-cowl
hyponym 111785668 - caladium
hyponym 111786539 - Colocasia_esculenta, dalo, dasheen, taro, taro_plant
hyponym 111787625 - Dieffenbachia_sequine, dumb_cane, mother-in-law's_tongue, mother-in-law_plant
hyponym 111788039 - dracontium
hyponym 111788382 - Dracunculus_vulgaris, dragon_arum, green_dragon
hyponym 111789962 - nephthytis
hyponym 111793403 - Xanthosoma_atrovirens, Xanthosoma_sagittifolium, malanga, spoonflower, tannia, yautia

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