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Noun Synset: 111672400

Words: wild_flower, wildflower

Gloss: wild or uncultivated flowering plant

hypernym 111665372 - angiosperm, flowering_plant
hypernym 111531193 - wilding
hyponym 111721844 - Ranunculus_glaberrimus, sagebrush_buttercup
hyponym 111737534 - pasque_flower, pasqueflower
hyponym 111738547 - meadow_rue
hyponym 111836722 - sand_verbena
hyponym 111838413 - Allionia_incarnata, trailing_four_o'clock, trailing_windmills
hyponym 111858814 - Calandrinia_ciliata, red_maids, redmaids
hyponym 111860208 - Lewisia_cotyledon, siskiyou_lewisia
hyponym 111860555 - Lewisia_rediviva, bitterroot
hyponym 111862300 - Calyptridium_umbellatum, Spraguea_umbellatum, pussy's-paw, pussy-paw, pussy-paws
hyponym 111862835 - Talinum_aurantiacum, flame-flower, flame_flower, flameflower
hyponym 111924014 - Antheropeas_wallacei, Eriophyllum_wallacei, dwarf_daisy, woolly_daisy
hyponym 111926976 - Arnica_cordifolia, heartleaf_arnica
hyponym 111927215 - Arnica_montana
hyponym 111941478 - false_chamomile
hyponym 111942487 - oxeye
hyponym 111951511 - golden_aster
hyponym 111959259 - hawk's-beard, hawk's-beards
hyponym 111963932 - Encelia_farinosa, brittle_bush, brittlebush, incienso
hyponym 111964446 - Enceliopsis_nudicaulis, sunray
hyponym 111964848 - engelmannia
hyponym 111965627 - fleabane
hyponym 111967744 - woolly_sunflower
hyponym 111970586 - gaillardia
hyponym 111972291 - Gerea_canescens, desert_sunflower
hyponym 111976170 - goldenbush
hyponym 111980682 - heliopsis, oxeye
hyponym 111981475 - Chrysopsis_villosa, Heterotheca_villosa, hairy_golden_aster, prairie_golden_aster
hyponym 111983375 - Hulsea_algida, alpine_gold, alpine_hulsea
hyponym 111983606 - Hulsea_nana, dwarf_hulsea
hyponym 111988132 - Lasthenia_chrysostoma, goldfields
hyponym 111988893 - hawkbit
hyponym 111989393 - Leontopodium_alpinum, edelweiss
hyponym 111990920 - Leucogenes_leontopodium, north_island_edelweiss
hyponym 111991263 - blazing_star, button_snakeroot, gay-feather, gayfeather, snakeroot
hyponym 111993203 - Machaeranthera_tanacetifolia, tahoka_daisy, tansy_leaf_aster
hyponym 111993444 - Machaeranthera_bigelovii, sticky_aster
hyponym 111993675 - Machaeranthera_tortifoloia, Mojave_aster
hyponym 111994336 - Madia_elegans, common_madia, common_tarweed
hyponym 111995840 - Melampodium_leucanthum, blackfoot_daisy
hyponym 112006766 - coneflower
hyponym 112011370 - Senecio_bigelovii, nodding_groundsel
hyponym 112012111 - Senecio_glabellus, butterweed, ragwort
hyponym 112012510 - Senecio_triangularis, arrowleaf_groundsel
hyponym 112015959 - goldenrod
hyponym 112019375 - Haplopappus_acaulis, Stenotus_acaulis, stemless_golden_weed
hyponym 112022821 - Tanacetum_douglasii, northern_dune_tansy
hyponym 112025220 - Hymenoxys_acaulis, Tetraneuris_acaulis, stemless_hymenoxys
hyponym 112025507 - Hymenoxys_grandiflora, Tetraneuris_grandiflora, alpine_sunflower, old_man_of_the_mountain
hyponym 112026981 - Tragopogon_dubius, yellow_salsify
hyponym 112027658 - Tragopogon_pratensis, goatsbeard, meadow_salsify, shepherd's_clock
hyponym 112032429 - Wyethia_amplexicaulis, mule's_ears
hyponym 112032686 - Wyethia_helianthoides, white-rayed_mule's_ears
hyponym 112258885 - Indian_pipe, Monotropa_uniflora, waxflower
hyponym 112259316 - Monotropa_hypopithys, false_beachdrops, pinesap
hyponym 112259788 - Sarcodes_sanguinea, snow_plant
hyponym 112291959 - Eustoma_grandiflorum, bluebell, prairie_gentian, tulip_gentian
hyponym 112796385 - Boykinia_elata, Boykinia_occidentalis, coast_boykinia
hyponym 112799269 - Leptarrhena_pyrolifolia, leatherleaf_saxifrage
hyponym 112800049 - Lithophragma_parviflorum, prairie_star
hyponym 112801966 - Parnassia_fimbriata, fringed_grass_of_Parnassus
hyponym 112803226 - Tellima_grandiflora, false_alumroot, fringe_cups
hyponym 112803958 - Tiarella_unifoliata, false_miterwort, false_mitrewort
hyponym 112878169 - kitten-tails
hyponym 112879963 - Indian_paintbrush, painted_cup
hyponym 112881631 - Collinsia_bicolor, Collinsia_heterophylla, innocense, purple_chinese_houses
hyponym 112881913 - Collinsia_parviflora, maiden_blue-eyed_Mary
hyponym 112882158 - Collinsia_verna, blue-eyed_Mary
hyponym 112885045 - Penstemon_barbatus, golden-beard_penstemon
hyponym 112885265 - Penstemon_centranthifolius, scarlet_bugler
hyponym 112885754 - Penstemon_cyananthus, Platte_River_penstemon
hyponym 112885956 - Davidson's_penstemon, Penstemon_davidsonii
hyponym 112886185 - Penstemon_deustus, hot-rock_penstemon
hyponym 112886402 - Jones'_penstemon, Penstemon_dolius
hyponym 112886600 - Penstemon_fruticosus, lowbush_penstemon, shrubby_penstemon
hyponym 112886831 - Penstemon_linarioides, narrow-leaf_penstemon
hyponym 112887065 - Penstemon_newberryi, mountain_pride
hyponym 112887293 - Penstemon_palmeri, balloon_flower, scented_penstemon
hyponym 112887532 - Parry's_penstemon, Penstemon_parryi
hyponym 112887713 - Penstemon_rupicola, cliff_penstemon, rock_penstemon
hyponym 112888016 - Penstemon_rydbergii, Rydberg's_penstemon
hyponym 112888234 - Penstemon_serrulatus, cascade_penstemon
hyponym 112888457 - Penstemon_whippleanus, Whipple's_penstemon
hyponym 112937130 - Daucus_carota, Queen_Anne's_lace, wild_carrot

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