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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 111669335

Words: bloom, blossom, flower

Gloss: reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

hypernym 111675842 - reproductive_structure
part holonym 111665372 - angiosperm, flowering_plant
derivationally related 200294245 - bloom, blossom, flower
derivationally related 200294245 - bloom, blossom, flower
derivationally related 200294245 - bloom, blossom, flower
hyponym 111669786 - floret, floweret
hyponym 111674019 - apetalous_flower
hyponym 111674332 - inflorescence
hyponym 111674603 - ray_floret, ray_flower
hyponym 111674914 - bud
part meronym 111675096 - stamen
part meronym 111676500 - pistil
part meronym 111677743 - carpel
part meronym 111678635 - ovary
part meronym 111690893 - floral_leaf
part meronym 111692265 - chlamys, floral_envelope, perianth, perigone, perigonium
hyponym 111951271 - chrysanthemum

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