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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 111573173

Words: hamamelid_dicot_genus

Gloss: genus of mostly woody relatively primitive dicotyledonous flowering plants with flowers often unisexual and often borne in catkins

hypernym 111567411 - dicot_genus, magnoliopsid_genus
member holonym 112313005 - Hamamelidae, subclass_Hamamelidae
hyponym 112260593 - Fagus, genus_Fagus
hyponym 112262327 - Castanea, genus_Castanea
hyponym 112264254 - Castanopsis, genus_Castanopsis
hyponym 112264621 - Chrysolepis, genus_Chrysolepis
hyponym 112265266 - Lithocarpus, genus_Lithocarpus
hyponym 112265900 - Nothofagus, genus_Nothofagus
hyponym 112268096 - Quercus, genus_Quercus
hyponym 112280886 - Betula, genus_Betula
hyponym 112283981 - Alnus, genus_Alnus
hyponym 112286581 - Carpinus, genus_Carpinus
hyponym 112287388 - Ostrya, genus_Ostrya
hyponym 112288188 - Ostryopsis, genus_Ostryopsis
hyponym 112288598 - Corylus, genus_Corylus
hyponym 112724201 - Salix, genus_Salix
hyponym 112731202 - Populus, genus_Populus

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