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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 111425580

Words: atmospheric_phenomenon

Gloss: a physical phenomenon associated with the atmosphere

hypernym 111419404 - physical_phenomenon
hyponym 109247410 - cloud
hyponym 111423028 - air_hole, air_pocket, pocket
hyponym 111427241 - aurora
hyponym 111446242 - condensate, condensation
hyponym 111460488 - front
hyponym 111461268 - greenhouse_effect, greenhouse_warming
hyponym 111461563 - inversion
hyponym 111462526 - storm, violent_storm
hyponym 111476231 - atmospheric_electricity
hyponym 111482579 - midnight_sun
hyponym 111487424 - halo
hyponym 111507000 - meteor_shower, meteor_stream
hyponym 111517656 - sunrise
hyponym 111517776 - sunset
hyponym 111517898 - afterglow
hyponym 111524662 - atmospheric_condition, conditions, weather, weather_condition

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