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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110754578

Words: fiddler, violinist

Gloss: a musician who plays the violin

hypernym 110340312 - instrumentalist, musician, player
derivationally related 201733667 - fiddle
derivationally related 104536866 - fiddle, violin
instance hyponym 110910948 - Arcangelo_Corelli, Corelli
instance hyponym 110959074 - Enesco, George_Enescu, Georges_Enesco
instance hyponym 111012042 - Grappelli, Stephane_Grappelli
instance hyponym 111085267 - Joachim, Joseph_Joachim
instance hyponym 111110791 - Fritz_Kreisler, Kreisler
instance hyponym 111175040 - Menuhin, Sir_Yehudi_Menuhin, Yehudi_Menuhin
instance hyponym 111219851 - Niccolo_Paganini, Paganini
instance hyponym 111316828 - Isaac_Stern, Stern
instance hyponym 111367910 - Antonio_Lucio_Vivaldi, Antonio_Vivaldi, Vivaldi
instance hyponym 111407048 - Efrem_Zimbalist, Zimbalist
instance hyponym 111408041 - Pinchas_Zukerman, Zukerman

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