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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110707233

Words: healer, therapist

Gloss: a person skilled in a particular type of therapy

hypernym 109617867 - expert
derivationally related 200081725 - bring_around, cure, heal
derivationally related 100661091 - therapy
hyponym 109625309 - naprapath
hyponym 109784443 - alleviator
hyponym 109919200 - chiropractor
hyponym 109983314 - curandera
hyponym 109983444 - curandero
hyponym 110049896 - electrotherapist
hyponym 110171456 - herb_doctor, herbalist
hyponym 110347110 - naturopath
hyponym 110385566 - osteopath, osteopathist
hyponym 110427764 - physical_therapist, physiotherapist
hyponym 110489944 - clinical_psychologist, psychotherapist
hyponym 110550369 - sangoma
hyponym 110634464 - speech_therapist

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