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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110672908

Words: suffragist

Gloss: an advocate of the extension of voting rights (especially to women)

hypernym 109774783 - advocate, advocator, exponent, proponent
derivationally related 105186306 - right_to_vote, suffrage, vote
hyponym 110672662 - suffragette
instance hyponym 110819134 - Anthony, Susan_Anthony, Susan_B._Anthony, Susan_Brownell_Anthony
instance hyponym 111062649 - Howe, Julia_Ward_Howe
instance hyponym 111135488 - Livermore, Mary_Ashton_Rice_Livermore
instance hyponym 111192195 - Esther_Hobart_McQuigg_Slack_Morris, Esther_Morris, Morris
instance hyponym 111194062 - Lucretia_Coffin_Mott, Mott
instance hyponym 111253802 - Jeannette_Rankin, Rankin
instance hyponym 111296139 - Anna_Howard_Shaw, Shaw
instance hyponym 111305851 - Julia_Evelina_Smith, Smith
instance hyponym 111313507 - Elizabeth_Cady_Stanton, Stanton
instance hyponym 111319570 - Lucy_Stone, Stone
instance hyponym 111388141 - Frances_Elizabeth_Caroline_Willard, Willard
instance hyponym 111396128 - Victoria_Clafin_Woodhull, Woodhull

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