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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110624540

Words: ballad_maker, songster, songwriter

Gloss: a composer of words or music for popular songs

hypernym 109947232 - composer
derivationally related 107048000 - song, vocal
instance hyponym 110847454 - Berlin, Irving_Berlin, Israel_Baline
instance hyponym 110882846 - Carmichael, Hoagland_Howard_Carmichael, Hoagy_Carmichael
instance hyponym 110904463 - Cohan, George_M._Cohan, George_Michael_Cohan
instance hyponym 110938640 - Antoine_Domino, Domino, Fats_Domino
instance hyponym 110947108 - Bob_Dylan, Dylan
instance hyponym 110975796 - Foster, Stephen_Collins_Foster, Stephen_Foster
instance hyponym 111020721 - Guthrie, Woodrow_Wilson_Guthrie, Woody_Guthrie
instance hyponym 111056654 - Buddy_Holly, Charles_Hardin_Holley, Holly
instance hyponym 111126783 - John_Lennon, Lennon
instance hyponym 111167952 - McCartney, Paul_McCartney, Sir_James_Paul_McCartney
instance hyponym 111301279 - Paul_Simon, Simon
instance hyponym 111390364 - Hank_Williams, Hiram_King_Williams, Hiram_Williams, Williams

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