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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110618848

Words: socialist

Gloss: a political advocate of socialism

hypernym 110450303 - pol, political_leader, politician, politico
derivationally related 300298041 - socialist, socialistic
derivationally related 108366202 - socialism, socialist_economy
derivationally related 106220616 - socialism
hyponym 109945319 - commie, communist
hyponym 110075416 - Fabian
hyponym 110211830 - internationalist
hyponym 110309147 - Menshevik
hyponym 110619176 - collectivist, left-winger, leftist
instance hyponym 110886929 - Castro, Fidel_Castro, Fidel_Castro_Ruz
instance hyponym 110959223 - Engels, Friedrich_Engels
instance hyponym 111036911 - Big_Bill_Haywood, Haywood, William_Dudley_Haywood
instance hyponym 111247155 - Pierre_Joseph_Proudhon, Proudhon
instance hyponym 111339361 - Norman_Mattoon_Thomas, Norman_Thomas, Thomas

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