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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110560637

Words: scientist

Gloss: a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences

hypernym 100007846 - individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul
derivationally related 105999797 - science, scientific_discipline
hyponym 109819477 - cosmographer, cosmographist
hyponym 109852979 - bibliotist
hyponym 109855630 - biologist, life_scientist
hyponym 109913824 - chemist
hyponym 109934647 - cognitive_scientist
hyponym 109951070 - computer_scientist
hyponym 110127689 - geologist
hyponym 110264437 - linguist, linguistic_scientist
hyponym 110301261 - mathematician
hyponym 110306004 - medical_scientist
hyponym 110313872 - microscopist
hyponym 110319996 - mineralogist
hyponym 110370122 - oceanographer
hyponym 110394786 - fossilist, palaeontologist, paleontologist
hyponym 110428004 - physicist
hyponym 110475163 - PI, principal_investigator
hyponym 110488865 - psychologist
hyponym 110504090 - radiologic_technologist
hyponym 110523076 - investigator, research_worker, researcher
hyponym 110619642 - social_scientist
instance hyponym 110830731 - Bacon, Roger_Bacon
instance hyponym 110979079 - Benjamin_Franklin, Franklin
instance hyponym 110988570 - Francis_Galton, Galton, Sir_Francis_Galton
instance hyponym 111033358 - Harvey, William_Harvey
instance hyponym 111057925 - Hooke, Robert_Hooke

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