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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110448983

Words: officer, police_officer, policeman

Gloss: a member of a police force; "it was an accident, officer"

hypernym 110249459 - law_officer, lawman, peace_officer
member holonym 108209687 - constabulary, law, police, police_force
derivationally related 200752335 - officer
hyponym 109862621 - bobby
hyponym 109879144 - bull, cop, copper, fuzz, pig
hyponym 109893015 - captain, police_captain, police_chief
hyponym 109959258 - constable, police_constable
hyponym 110009276 - detective, investigator, police_detective, tec
hyponym 110123122 - gendarme
hyponym 110208847 - inspector
hyponym 110333838 - motorcycle_cop, motorcycle_policeman, speed_cop
hyponym 110449412 - police_matron, policewoman
hyponym 110540114 - Mountie
hyponym 110591347 - shoofly
hyponym 110721321 - traffic_cop
hyponym 110730542 - trooper
hyponym 110730728 - state_trooper, trooper

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