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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110421956

Words: altruist, philanthropist

Gloss: someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being

hypernym 110025730 - bestower, conferrer, donor, giver, presenter
derivationally related 300101609 - altruistic, selfless
derivationally related 104833276 - altruism, selflessness
derivationally related 101089483 - philanthropic_gift, philanthropy
instance hyponym 110882988 - Andrew_Carnegie, Carnegie
instance hyponym 110909471 - Cooper, Peter_Cooper
instance hyponym 110911288 - Cornell, Ezra_Cornell
instance hyponym 111019073 - Guggenheim, Solomon_Guggenheim
instance hyponym 111033159 - Harvard, John_Harvard
instance hyponym 111046457 - Hershey, Milton_Snavely_Hershey
instance hyponym 111059875 - Hopkins, Johns_Hopkins
instance hyponym 111172609 - Andrew_Mellon, Andrew_W._Mellon, Andrew_William_Mellon, Mellon
instance hyponym 111208688 - Alfred_Bernhard_Nobel, Alfred_Nobel, Nobel
instance hyponym 111210383 - First_Viscount_Nuffield, Nuffield, William_Richard_Morris
instance hyponym 111267113 - John_D._Rockefeller, John_Davison_Rockefeller, Rockefeller
instance hyponym 111359187 - Commodore_Vanderbilt, Cornelius_Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt
instance hyponym 111401617 - Elihu_Yale, Yale

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