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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110363573

Words: novelist

Gloss: one who writes novels

hypernym 110794014 - author, writer
derivationally related 106367879 - novel
derivationally related 103833065 - novel
instance hyponym 110809576 - Agee, James_Agee
instance hyponym 110812225 - Alcott, Louisa_May_Alcott
instance hyponym 110833111 - Balzac, Honore_Balzac, Honore_de_Balzac
instance hyponym 110967633 - Falkner, Faulkner, William_Cuthbert_Faulkner, William_Falkner, William_Faulkner
instance hyponym 110993936 - Genet, Jean_Genet
instance hyponym 111001211 - Giraudoux, Hippolyte_Jean_Giraudoux, Jean_Giraudoux
instance hyponym 111004106 - Goethe, Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe
instance hyponym 111065345 - Hugo, Victor-Marie_Hugo, Victor_Hugo
instance hyponym 111175875 - George_Meredith, Meredith
instance hyponym 111235787 - Luigi_Pirandello, Pirandello
instance hyponym 111247298 - Marcel_Proust, Proust
instance hyponym 111407591 - Emile_Zola, Zola

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