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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110266016

Words: literary_critic

Gloss: a critic of literature

hypernym 109979589 - critic
instance hyponym 110823760 - Arnold, Matthew_Arnold
instance hyponym 110866090 - Brooks, Van_Wyck_Brooks
instance hyponym 110897796 - Ciardi, John_Anthony_Ciardi, John_Ciardi
instance hyponym 110931452 - Derrida, Jacques_Derrida
instance hyponym 110984418 - Frye, Herman_Northrop_Frye, Northrop_Frye
instance hyponym 111037157 - Hazlitt, William_Hazlitt
instance hyponym 111173031 - H._L._Mencken, Henry_Louis_Mencken, Mencken
instance hyponym 111260945 - I._A._Richards, Ivor_Armstrong_Richards, Richards
instance hyponym 111310523 - Sir_Stephen_Harold_Spender, Spender, Stephen_Spender
instance hyponym 111349092 - Lionel_Trilling, Trilling
instance hyponym 111359697 - Carl_Clinton_Van_Doren, Carl_Van_Doren, Van_Doren
instance hyponym 111391123 - Edmund_Wilson, Wilson

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