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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110264437

Words: linguist, linguistic_scientist

Gloss: a specialist in linguistics

hypernym 110560637 - scientist
derivationally related 106171040 - linguistics, philology
derivationally related 106172789 - linguistics
derivationally related 302843218 - linguistic
hyponym 109950728 - computational_linguist
hyponym 110141364 - grammarian, syntactician
hyponym 110167448 - Hebraist
hyponym 110256080 - lexicographer, lexicologist
hyponym 110354053 - neurolinguist
hyponym 110426454 - phonetician
hyponym 110426630 - phonologist
hyponym 110488656 - psycholinguist
hyponym 110577820 - semanticist, semiotician
hyponym 110620586 - sociolinguist
instance hyponym 110853767 - Bloomfield, Leonard_Bloomfield
instance hyponym 110896452 - A._Noam_Chomsky, Chomsky, Noam_Chomsky
instance hyponym 110931634 - Ferdinand_de_Saussure, Saussure, de_Saussure
instance hyponym 110971264 - Firth, J._R._Firth, John_Rupert_Firth
instance hyponym 111016563 - Grimm, Jakob_Grimm, Jakob_Ludwig_Karl_Grimm
instance hyponym 111078774 - Jakobson, Roman_Jakobson, Roman_Osipovich_Jakobson
instance hyponym 111083527 - Jens_Otto_Harry_Jespersen, Jespersen, Otto_Jespersen
instance hyponym 111281174 - Edward_Sapir, Sapir

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