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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110249459

Words: law_officer, lawman, peace_officer

Gloss: an officer of the law

hypernym 109614684 - defender, guardian, protector, shielder
hyponym 109822830 - attorney_general
hyponym 109867311 - border_patrolman
hyponym 109959142 - constable
hyponym 110005548 - deputy, deputy_sheriff
hyponym 110095664 - flatfoot, patrolman
hyponym 110149867 - gaoler, jailer, jailor, prison_guard, screw, turnkey
hyponym 110259225 - lieutenant, police_lieutenant
hyponym 110295951 - marshal, marshall
hyponym 110317500 - MP, military_policeman
hyponym 110345302 - narc, narcotics_agent, nark
hyponym 110448983 - officer, police_officer, policeman
hyponym 110449521 - police_sergeant, sergeant
hyponym 110589140 - sheriff
hyponym 110623533 - solicitor_general
hyponym 110704712 - Ranger, Texas_Ranger
hyponym 110767154 - warden
hyponym 110767265 - warder

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