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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110224578

Words: journalist

Gloss: a writer for newspapers and magazines

hypernym 110794014 - author, writer
derivationally related 106266417 - journalism, news_media
derivationally related 100611674 - journalism
hyponym 109875979 - broadcast_journalist
hyponym 109939154 - columnist, editorialist
hyponym 109966710 - correspondent, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, newswriter, pressman
hyponym 110122765 - gazetteer
hyponym 110427223 - photojournalist
hyponym 110564660 - penman, scribbler, scribe
hyponym 110618234 - sob_sister
hyponym 110640084 - sports_writer, sportswriter
instance hyponym 110908756 - Alfred_Alistair_Cooke, Alistair_Cooke, Cooke
instance hyponym 111000469 - Dorothy_Dix, Elizabeth_Merriwether_Gilmer, Gilmer
instance hyponym 111013191 - Greeley, Horace_Greeley
instance hyponym 111018683 - Edgar_Albert_Guest, Edgar_Guest, Guest
instance hyponym 111134620 - Lippmann, Walter_Lippmann
instance hyponym 111173031 - H._L._Mencken, Henry_Louis_Mencken, Mencken
instance hyponym 111256494 - John_Reed, Reed
instance hyponym 111290653 - Elizabeth_Cochrane_Seaman, Elizabeth_Seaman, Nellie_Bly, Seaman
instance hyponym 111298634 - Shirer, William_Lawrence_Shirer
instance hyponym 111313011 - Henry_M._Stanley, John_Rowlands, Sir_Henry_Morton_Stanley, Stanley
instance hyponym 111314315 - Joseph_Lincoln_Steffens, Lincoln_Steffens, Steffens
instance hyponym 111319413 - I._F._Stone, Isidor_Feinstein_Stone, Stone
instance hyponym 111384022 - T._H._White, Theodore_Harold_White, White
instance hyponym 111396943 - Alexander_Woollcott, Woollcott

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