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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110090020

Words: financier, moneyman

Gloss: a person skilled in large scale financial transactions

hypernym 109609232 - capitalist
derivationally related 202416955 - financier
hyponym 109837824 - banker
hyponym 109924195 - city_man
hyponym 110474446 - dealer, principal
instance hyponym 110837567 - Baruch, Bernard_Baruch, Bernard_Mannes_Baruch
instance hyponym 110861329 - Brady, Diamond_Jim, Diamond_Jim_Brady, James_Buchanan_Brady
instance hyponym 110908534 - Cooke, Jay_Cooke
instance hyponym 110912451 - Cosimo_de_Medici, Cosimo_the_Elder
instance hyponym 111001053 - Girard, Stephen_Girard
instance hyponym 111009273 - Gould, Jay_Gould
instance hyponym 111015420 - Gresham, Sir_Thomas_Gresham
instance hyponym 111030025 - Averell_Harriman, Harriman, William_Averell_Harriman
instance hyponym 111059875 - Hopkins, Johns_Hopkins
instance hyponym 111172609 - Andrew_Mellon, Andrew_W._Mellon, Andrew_William_Mellon, Mellon
instance hyponym 111190446 - J._P._Morgan, John_Pierpont_Morgan, Morgan
instance hyponym 111191848 - Morris, Robert_Morris
instance hyponym 111259054 - Cecil_J._Rhodes, Cecil_John_Rhodes, Cecil_Rhodes, Rhodes
instance hyponym 111279433 - Haym_Salomon, Salomon
instance hyponym 111359187 - Commodore_Vanderbilt, Cornelius_Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt

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