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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110047459

Words: egoist, egotist, swellhead

Gloss: a conceited and self-centered person

hypernym 109631463 - disagreeable_person, unpleasant_person
derivationally related 300101800 - egocentric, egoistic, egoistical, self-centered, self-centred
derivationally related 104835028 - egocentrism, egoism, self-centeredness, self-concern, self-interest
derivationally related 301891773 - conceited, egotistic, egotistical, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vain
derivationally related 302098694 - egotistic, egotistical, narcissistic, self-loving
derivationally related 301891773 - conceited, egotistic, egotistical, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vain
derivationally related 107508806 - ego, egotism, self-importance
derivationally related 104887497 - egotism, self-importance, swelled_head
hyponym 109872066 - blowhard, boaster, braggart, bragger, line-shooter, vaunter
hyponym 110047371 - egomaniac
hyponym 110070711 - exhibitionist, show-off
hyponym 110240235 - know-all, know-it-all
hyponym 110306496 - megalomaniac
hyponym 110315730 - miles_gloriosus
hyponym 110454645 - popinjay

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