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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109916788

Words: chief_justice

Gloss: the judge who presides over a supreme court

hypernym 110225219 - judge, jurist, justice
domain topic 108441203 - jurisprudence, law
instance hyponym 110872287 - Burger, Warren_Burger, Warren_E._Burger, Warren_Earl_Burger
instance hyponym 110893606 - Chase, Salmon_P._Chase, Salmon_Portland_Chase
instance hyponym 110958381 - Ellsworth, Oliver_Ellsworth
instance hyponym 110985653 - Fuller, Melville_W._Fuller, Melville_Weston_Fuller
instance hyponym 111064662 - Charles_Evans_Hughes, Hughes
instance hyponym 111081111 - Jay, John_Jay
instance hyponym 111158754 - John_Marshall, Marshall
instance hyponym 111256765 - Rehnquist, William_Hubbs_Rehnquist, William_Rehnquist
instance hyponym 111276676 - John_Rutledge, Rutledge
instance hyponym 111319810 - Harlan_F._Stone, Harlan_Fisk_Stone, Harlan_Stone, Stone
instance hyponym 111328714 - President_Taft, Taft, William_Howard_Taft
instance hyponym 111330692 - Roger_Brooke_Taney, Roger_Taney, Taney
instance hyponym 111367035 - Frederick_Moore_Vinson, Vinson
instance hyponym 111370314 - Morrison_R._Waite, Morrison_Remick_Waite, Morrison_Waite, Waite
instance hyponym 111374789 - Earl_Warren, Warren
instance hyponym 111384291 - Edward_D._White, Edward_Douglas_White_Jr., Edward_White, White

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