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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109835506

Words: ballplayer, baseball_player

Gloss: an athlete who plays baseball

hypernym 109820263 - athlete, jock
hypernym 110439851 - participant, player
domain topic 100471613 - baseball, baseball_game
hyponym 109841696 - base_runner, runner
hyponym 109843956 - batsman, batter, hitter, slugger
hyponym 110086568 - fielder
hyponym 110267561 - little_leaguer
hyponym 110283931 - big_leaguer, major_leaguer
hyponym 110321340 - bush_leaguer, minor_leaguer
hyponym 110435988 - hurler, pitcher, twirler
hyponym 110742997 - utility_man
instance hyponym 110807016 - Aaron, Hank_Aaron, Henry_Louis_Aaron
instance hyponym 110848946 - Berra, Lawrence_Peter_Berra, Yogi, Yogi_Berra
instance hyponym 110935567 - DiMaggio, Joe_DiMaggio, Joseph_Paul_DiMaggio
instance hyponym 110993350 - Gehrig, Henry_Louis_Gehrig, Lou_Gehrig
instance hyponym 111155196 - Mantle, Mickey_Charles_Mantle, Mickey_Mantle
instance hyponym 111167269 - Mays, Say_Hey_Kid, Willie_Howard_Mays_Jr., Willie_Mays
instance hyponym 111168974 - John_Joseph_McGraw, John_McGraw, McGraw
instance hyponym 111197944 - Musial, Stan_Musial, Stan_the_Man, Stanley_Frank_Musial
instance hyponym 111220664 - Leroy_Robert_Paige, Paige, Satchel_Paige
instance hyponym 111265731 - Jack_Roosevelt_Robinson, Jackie_Robinson, Robinson
instance hyponym 111276100 - Babe_Ruth, George_Herman_Ruth, Ruth, Sultan_of_Swat
instance hyponym 111389901 - Ted_Williams, Theodore_Samuel_Williams, Williams
instance hyponym 111402341 - Carl_Yastrzemski, Yastrzemski
instance hyponym 111403456 - Cy_Young, Danton_True_Young, Young

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