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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109792237

Words: anatomist

Gloss: an expert in anatomy

hypernym 109617867 - expert
derivationally related 106057539 - anatomy, general_anatomy
derivationally related 105217168 - anatomy, bod, build, chassis, figure, flesh, form, frame, human_body, material_body, physical_body, physique, shape, soma
hyponym 109946672 - comparative_anatomist
hyponym 110170359 - histologist
hyponym 110385455 - osteologer, osteologist
instance hyponym 110963050 - Bartolommeo_Eustachio, Eustachio
instance hyponym 110963467 - Evans, Herbert_McLean_Evans
instance hyponym 110965966 - Fallopio, Fallopius, Gabriele_Fallopius, Gabriello_Fallopio
instance hyponym 110987565 - Galen
instance hyponym 111171513 - Georg_Meissner, Meissner
instance hyponym 111195771 - Johannes_Peter_Muller, Muller
instance hyponym 111364419 - Andreas_Vesalius, Vesalius
instance hyponym 111394848 - Kaspar_Friedrich_Wolff, Wolff

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