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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109701148

Words: English_person

Gloss: a native or inhabitant of England

hypernym 109700964 - Brit, Britisher, Briton
member holonym 108871007 - England
hyponym 109701603 - Englishman
hyponym 109701833 - Englishwoman
hyponym 109701977 - Anglo-Saxon
hyponym 109702134 - Anglo-Saxon
hyponym 109702541 - Anglo-Indian
hyponym 109703573 - pom, pommy
hyponym 109703708 - Cantabrigian
hyponym 109704057 - Lancastrian
hyponym 109704157 - Lancastrian
hyponym 109704283 - Geordie
hyponym 109704368 - Hanoverian
hyponym 109704509 - Liverpudlian, Scouser
hyponym 109704630 - Londoner
hyponym 109704876 - Mancunian
hyponym 109705003 - Oxonian
hyponym 109877750 - Brummie, Brummy
hyponym 110279317 - Mackem
hyponym 110552393 - Sassenach
hyponym 110734891 - Tyke

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