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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 109679316

Words: Protestant

Gloss: an adherent of Protestantism

hypernym 109678009 - Christian
member holonym 108087570 - Protestant, Protestant_Church
hyponym 109641578 - WASP, white_Anglo-Saxon_Protestant
hyponym 109677427 - Anabaptist
hyponym 109678581 - Christian_Scientist
hyponym 109838701 - Baptist
hyponym 109955643 - Congregationalist
hyponym 109958133 - Nonconformist, chapelgoer
hyponym 109958292 - Anglican
hyponym 110062275 - Episcopalian
hyponym 110116370 - fundamentalist
hyponym 110248377 - Jehovah's_Witness
hyponym 110248542 - Latter-Day_Saint, Mormon
hyponym 110312600 - Methodist
hyponym 110380499 - Orangeman
hyponym 110414865 - Pentecostal, Pentecostalist
hyponym 110465922 - Presbyterian
hyponym 110494373 - Puritan

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