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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109669125

Words: Siouan, Sioux

Gloss: a member of a group of North American Indian peoples who spoke a Siouan language and who ranged from Lake Michigan to the Rocky Mountains

hypernym 109649554 - Buffalo_Indian, Plains_Indian
derivationally related 302798014 - Siouan
hyponym 109650729 - Biloxi
hyponym 109651537 - Catawba
hyponym 109654259 - Crow
hyponym 109654374 - Dakota
hyponym 109654687 - Dhegiha
hyponym 109656205 - Gros_Ventre, Hidatsa
hyponym 109657748 - Iowa, Ioway
hyponym 109660958 - Missouri
hyponym 109663121 - Ofo
hyponym 109664295 - Oto, Otoe
hyponym 109667572 - Eastern_Sioux, Santee, Santee_Dakota, Santee_Sioux
hyponym 109669631 - Lakota, Teton, Teton_Dakota, Teton_Sioux
hyponym 109671089 - Tutelo
hyponym 109672105 - Winnebago
instance hyponym 110914779 - Crazy_Horse, Tashunca-Uitco
instance hyponym 111252392 - Rain-in-the-Face

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