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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109656673

Words: Hoka, Hokan

Gloss: a member of a North American Indian people speaking one of the Hokan languages

hypernym 109645091 - American_Indian, Indian, Red_Indian
hyponym 109645996 - Achomawi
hyponym 109646112 - Akwa'ala
hyponym 109650609 - Atsugewi
hyponym 109652398 - Chimariko
hyponym 109653014 - Cochimi
hyponym 109653144 - Cocopa, Cocopah
hyponym 109654898 - Diegueno
hyponym 109655213 - Esselen
hyponym 109655891 - Halchidhoma
hyponym 109656077 - Havasupai
hyponym 109658398 - Kamia
hyponym 109658670 - Karok
hyponym 109659188 - Kiliwa, Kiliwi
hyponym 109660240 - Maricopa
hyponym 109661543 - Mohave, Mojave
hyponym 109666039 - Pomo
hyponym 109668437 - Shasta
hyponym 109671808 - Hualapai, Hualpai, Walapai
hyponym 109672455 - Yahi
hyponym 109672590 - Yana
hyponym 109672725 - Yavapai
hyponym 109673091 - Yuma

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