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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109492123

Words: mythical_creature, mythical_monster

Gloss: a monster renowned in folklore and myth

hypernym 109491966 - monster
hypernym 109484664 - mythical_being
hyponym 109487022 - legendary_creature
hyponym 109492733 - amphisbaena
hyponym 109492877 - basilisk
hyponym 109493043 - centaur
hyponym 109493204 - Cerberus, hellhound
hyponym 109493562 - Chimaera, Chimera
hyponym 109494149 - cockatrice
hyponym 109494388 - dragon, firedrake
hyponym 109494951 - Geryon
hyponym 109495103 - Gorgon
hyponym 109495962 - griffin, griffon, gryphon
hyponym 109496099 - Harpy
hyponym 109496261 - Hydra
hyponym 109496802 - leviathan
hyponym 109498301 - mantichora, manticora, manticore, mantiger
hyponym 109499056 - Minotaur
hyponym 109499494 - Nemean_lion
instance hyponym 109501198 - Python
hyponym 109501322 - roc
hyponym 109501427 - salamander
hyponym 109502298 - Sphinx
hyponym 109502481 - troll
hyponym 109502700 - Typhoeus
hyponym 109502906 - Typhon
hyponym 109503121 - loup-garou, lycanthrope, werewolf, wolfman
instance hyponym 109506337 - Erinyes, Eumenides, Fury

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