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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109050730

Words: South

Gloss: the region of the United States lying to the south of the Mason-Dixon line

instance hypernym 108574314 - geographic_area, geographic_region, geographical_area, geographical_region
part holonym 109044862 - America, U.S., U.S.A., US, USA, United_States, United_States_of_America, the_States
attribute 301606648 - southern
member region 107688412 - hoecake
member region 108029421 - KKK, Klan, Ku_Klux_Klan
part meronym 109049599 - Gulf_States
part meronym 109051235 - Deep_South
instance hyponym 109051609 - Old_South
part meronym 109051898 - Tidewater, Tidewater_region
part meronym 109052100 - Piedmont
part meronym 109052835 - Carolina, Carolinas
hyponym 109053185 - AL, Alabama, Camellia_State, Heart_of_Dixie
part meronym 109075842 - Empire_State_of_the_South, GA, Georgia, Peach_State
part meronym 109090825 - LA, Louisiana, Pelican_State
part meronym 109093608 - Free_State, MD, Maryland, Old_Line_State
part meronym 109103943 - MS, Magnolia_State, Mississippi
part meronym 109126305 - NC, North_Carolina, Old_North_State, Tar_Heel_State
part meronym 109137869 - Palmetto_State, SC, South_Carolina
part meronym 109140148 - TN, Tennessee, Volunteer_State
part meronym 109148970 - Old_Dominion, Old_Dominion_State, VA, Virginia
member meronym 110628222 - Southerner

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