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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 109002814

Words: Russia

Gloss: a former empire in eastern Europe and northern Asia created in the 14th century with Moscow as the capital; powerful in the 17th and 18th centuries under Peter the Great and Catherine the Great when Saint Petersburg was the capital; overthrown by revolution in 1917

instance hypernym 108557482 - empire, imperium
part holonym 109275016 - Eurasia
derivationally related 302957276 - Russian
part meronym 109003918 - Muscovy
member region 109987239 - czar, tsar, tzar
member region 110812550 - Aleksandr_Pavlovich, Alexander_I, Czar_Alexander_I
member region 110812800 - Alexander_II, Alexander_the_Liberator, Czar_Alexander_II
member region 110813049 - Alexander_III, Czar_Alexander_III
member region 111205975 - Czar_Nicholas_I, Nicholas_I

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