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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 108348815

Words: law_enforcement_agency

Gloss: an agency responsible for insuring obedience to the laws

hypernym 108337324 - agency, authority, bureau, federal_agency, government_agency, office
hyponym 108136260 - FBI, Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation
hyponym 108137028 - FLETC, Federal_Law_Enforcement_Training_Center
hyponym 108137251 - FinCEN, Financial_Crimes_Enforcement_Network
hyponym 108140219 - ATF, Bureau_of_Alcohol_Tobacco_and_Firearms
hyponym 108141092 - CID, Criminal_Investigation_Command
hyponym 108141374 - DEA, Drug_Enforcement_Administration, Drug_Enforcement_Agency
hyponym 108141664 - BoP, Federal_Bureau_of_Prisons
hyponym 108141951 - Federal_Judiciary
hyponym 108142170 - NIJ, National_Institute_of_Justice
hyponym 108142370 - Marshals, US_Marshals_Service, United_States_Marshals_Service
hyponym 108209687 - constabulary, law, police, police_force

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