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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 108312988

Words: ecumenical_council

Gloss: (early Christian church) one of seven gatherings of bishops from around the known world under the presidency of the Pope to regulate matters of faith and morals and discipline; "the first seven councils through 787 are considered to be ecumenical councils by both the Roman Catholic church and the Eastern Orthodox church but the next fourteen councils are considered ecumenical only by the Roman Catholic church"

hypernym 108312559 - council
hyponym 108313592 - First_Council_of_Nicaea, Nicaea
hyponym 108313790 - Constantinople, First_Council_of_Constantinople
hyponym 108313983 - Council_of_Ephesus, Ephesus
hyponym 108314153 - Chalcedon, Council_of_Chalcedon
hyponym 108314327 - Constantinople, Second_Council_of_Constantinople
hyponym 108314501 - Constantinople, Third_Council_of_Constantinople
hyponym 108314715 - Nicaea, Second_Council_of_Nicaea

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