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English Word: 
Noun Synset: 108256968

Words: party, political_party

Gloss: an organization to gain political power; "in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level"

hypernym 108008335 - organisation, organization
member holonym 108367880 - form_of_government, political_system
hyponym 108257779 - American_Labor_Party
hyponym 108257971 - American_Party, Know-Nothing_Party
hyponym 108258184 - Anti-Masonic_Party
hyponym 108258358 - Black_Panthers
hyponym 108258523 - Communist_Party
hyponym 108258744 - Conservative_Party
hyponym 108258974 - Constitutional_Union_Party
hyponym 108259156 - Democratic_Party
hyponym 108259318 - Democratic-Republican_Party
hyponym 108259611 - Farmer-Labor_Party
hyponym 108259753 - American_Federalist_Party, Federal_Party, Federalist_Party
hyponym 108260002 - Free_Soil_Party
hyponym 108260220 - Gironde
hyponym 108260386 - Green_Party
hyponym 108260498 - Greenback_Party
hyponym 108260691 - Guomindang, Kuomintang
hyponym 108260961 - labor_party, labour_party
hyponym 108261589 - Liberal_Democrat_Party
hyponym 108261810 - Liberal_Party
hyponym 108261958 - Liberty_Party
hyponym 108262154 - Militant_Tendency
hyponym 108262309 - National_Socialist_German_Workers'_Party, Nazi_Party
hyponym 108262494 - People's_Party, Populist_Party
hyponym 108262695 - Bull_Moose_Party, Progressive_Party
hyponym 108262937 - Prohibition_Party
hyponym 108263113 - GOP, Republican_Party
hyponym 108263303 - Social_Democratic_Party
hyponym 108263560 - Socialist_Labor_Party
hyponym 108263733 - Socialist_Party
hyponym 108263870 - Dixiecrats, States'_Rights_Democratic_Party
hyponym 108264110 - war_party
hyponym 108264203 - Whig_Party
hyponym 108264441 - third_party
hyponym 108404188 - Opposition

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