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English Word: 
Noun Synset: 108123167

Words: executive_department

Gloss: a federal department in the executive branch of the government of the United States

hypernym 108122141 - department_of_the_federal_government, federal_department, federal_office
member holonym 108356074 - Executive_Office_of_the_President, executive_branch
hyponym 108128837 - EXEC, White_House
hyponym 108128964 - Agriculture, Agriculture_Department, Department_of_Agriculture, USDA
hyponym 108129268 - Commerce, Commerce_Department, Department_of_Commerce, DoC
hyponym 108131530 - Defense, Defense_Department, Department_of_Defense, DoD, United_States_Department_of_Defense
hyponym 108132637 - Department_of_Education, Education, Education_Department
hyponym 108132955 - DOE, Department_of_Energy, Energy, Energy_Department
hyponym 108133536 - Department_of_Health_and_Human_Services, HHS, Health_and_Human_Services
hyponym 108134807 - Department_of_Homeland_Security, Homeland_Security
hyponym 108135062 - Department_of_Housing_and_Urban_Development, HUD, Housing_and_Urban_Development
hyponym 108135342 - Department_of_Justice, DoJ, Justice, Justice_Department
hyponym 108137495 - Department_of_Labor, DoL, Labor, Labor_Department
hyponym 108137738 - Department_of_State, DoS, State, State_Department, United_States_Department_of_State
hyponym 108139000 - Department_of_the_Interior, DoI, Interior, Interior_Department
hyponym 108139795 - Department_of_the_Treasury, Treasury, Treasury_Department, United_States_Treasury
hyponym 108143653 - Department_of_Transportation, DoT, Transportation
hyponym 108144122 - Department_of_Veterans_Affairs, VA
hyponym 108144524 - Department_of_Commerce_and_Labor
hyponym 108144720 - Department_of_Health_Education_and_Welfare
hyponym 108144907 - Navy_Department
hyponym 108145092 - War_Department

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