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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 108115204

Words: academic_department

Gloss: a division of a school that is responsible for a given subject

hypernym 108114861 - department, section
hyponym 108115602 - anthropology_department, department_of_anthropology
hyponym 108115778 - art_department
hyponym 108115912 - biology_department, department_of_biology
hyponym 108116073 - chemistry_department, department_of_chemistry
hyponym 108116240 - department_of_computer_science
hyponym 108116398 - department_of_economics, economics_department
hyponym 108116565 - English_department, department_of_English
hyponym 108116734 - department_of_history, history_department
hyponym 108116879 - department_of_linguistics, linguistics_department
hyponym 108117052 - department_of_mathematics, mathematics_department
hyponym 108117225 - department_of_philosophy, philosophy_department
hyponym 108117379 - department_of_physics, physics_department
hyponym 108117540 - department_of_music, music_department
hyponym 108117702 - department_of_psychology, psychology_department
hyponym 108117872 - department_of_sociology, sociology_department

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