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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107929519

Words: coffee, java

Gloss: a beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans; "he ordered a cup of coffee"

hypernym 107881800 - beverage, drink, drinkable, potable
hyponym 107731122 - coffee_substitute
hyponym 107919441 - Irish_coffee
hyponym 107919572 - cafe_au_lait
hyponym 107919665 - cafe_noir, demitasse
hyponym 107919787 - decaf, decaffeinated_coffee
hyponym 107919894 - drip_coffee
hyponym 107920052 - espresso
hyponym 107920349 - cappuccino, cappuccino_coffee, coffee_cappuccino
hyponym 107920540 - ice_coffee, iced_coffee
hyponym 107920663 - instant_coffee
hyponym 107920872 - mocha, mocha_coffee
hyponym 107921239 - Turkish_coffee
substance meronym 107929351 - coffee, coffee_bean, coffee_berry
hyponym 107929940 - cafe_royale, coffee_royal
substance meronym 114761122 - caffein, caffeine

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