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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107907943

Words: cordial, liqueur

Gloss: strong highly flavored sweet liquor usually drunk after a meal

hypernym 107884567 - alcohol, alcoholic_beverage, alcoholic_drink, inebriant, intoxicant
hyponym 107908411 - absinth, absinthe
hyponym 107908567 - amaretto
hyponym 107908647 - anisette, anisette_de_Bordeaux
hyponym 107908812 - benedictine
hyponym 107908923 - Chartreuse
hyponym 107909129 - coffee_liqueur
hyponym 107909231 - creme_de_cacao
hyponym 107909362 - creme_de_menthe
hyponym 107909504 - creme_de_fraise
hyponym 107909593 - Drambuie
hyponym 107909714 - Galliano
hyponym 107909811 - orange_liqueur
hyponym 107910245 - kummel
hyponym 107910379 - maraschino, maraschino_liqueur
hyponym 107910538 - pastis
hyponym 107910656 - Pernod
hyponym 107910799 - pousse-cafe
hyponym 107911061 - ratafee, ratafia
hyponym 107911249 - sambuca

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