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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107884567

Words: alcohol, alcoholic_beverage, alcoholic_drink, inebriant, intoxicant

Gloss: a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent; "alcohol (or drink) ruined him"

hypernym 107881800 - beverage, drink, drinkable, potable
hypernym 103248958 - drug_of_abuse, street_drug
derivationally related 201190494 - inebriate, intoxicate, soak
derivationally related 201190494 - inebriate, intoxicate, soak
derivationally related 301158596 - alcoholic
derivationally related 200139908 - alcoholise, alcoholize
derivationally related 200139729 - alcoholise, alcoholize
hyponym 107885705 - proof_spirit
hyponym 107886057 - home_brew, homebrew
hyponym 107886176 - hooch, hootch
hyponym 107886317 - kava, kavakava
hyponym 107886463 - aperitif
hyponym 107886572 - brew, brewage
hyponym 107891433 - rice_beer, sake, saki
hyponym 107891613 - nipa
hyponym 107891726 - vino, wine
hyponym 107901587 - John_Barleycorn, booze, hard_drink, hard_liquor, liquor, spirits, strong_drink
hyponym 107902121 - ethyl_alcohol, neutral_spirits
hyponym 107905618 - pulque
hyponym 107907943 - cordial, liqueur
hyponym 107911371 - mixed_drink
hyponym 107921615 - hard_cider
hyponym 107922147 - perry
hyponym 107922512 - rotgut
hyponym 107922607 - slug
hyponym 107925808 - koumiss, kumis

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