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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 107850329

Words: cheese

Gloss: a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk

hypernym 107843775 - dairy_product
hypernym 107555863 - food, solid_food
substance meronym 107849912 - curd
part meronym 107850957 - cheese_rind
hyponym 107851298 - cream_cheese
hyponym 107851641 - triple_cream, triple_creme
hyponym 107851767 - cottage_cheese, farm_cheese, farmer's_cheese, pot_cheese
hyponym 107851926 - process_cheese, processed_cheese
hyponym 107852045 - bleu, blue_cheese
hyponym 107852614 - Brie
hyponym 107852712 - brick_cheese
hyponym 107852833 - Camembert
hyponym 107852919 - American_cheese, Armerican_cheddar, cheddar, cheddar_cheese
hyponym 107853232 - Cheshire_cheese
hyponym 107853345 - double_Gloucester
hyponym 107853445 - Edam
hyponym 107853560 - chevre, goat_cheese
hyponym 107853648 - Gouda, Gouda_cheese
hyponym 107853762 - grated_cheese
hyponym 107853852 - hand_cheese
hyponym 107853946 - Liederkranz
hyponym 107854066 - Limburger
hyponym 107854184 - mozzarella
hyponym 107854266 - Muenster
hyponym 107854348 - Parmesan
hyponym 107854455 - quark, quark_cheese
hyponym 107854614 - ricotta
hyponym 107854707 - string_cheese
hyponym 107854813 - Swiss_cheese
hyponym 107855317 - Velveeta

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