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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 107806221

Words: salad

Gloss: food mixtures either arranged on a plate or tossed and served with a moist dressing; usually consisting of or including greens

hypernym 107557434 - dish
hyponym 107806633 - tossed_salad
hyponym 107807002 - salmagundi
hyponym 107807171 - salad_nicoise
hyponym 107807594 - potato_salad
hyponym 107807710 - pasta_salad
hyponym 107807922 - fruit_salad
hyponym 107808166 - crab_Louis
hyponym 107808268 - herring_salad
hyponym 107808352 - tuna_fish_salad, tuna_salad
hyponym 107808479 - chicken_salad
hyponym 107808587 - coleslaw, slaw
hyponym 107808806 - molded_salad
hyponym 107808904 - tabbouleh, tabooli

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