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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107698915

Words: alimentary_paste, pasta

Gloss: shaped and dried dough made from flour and water and sometimes egg

hypernym 107555863 - food, solid_food
hyponym 107699430 - bowtie_pasta, farfalle
hyponym 107699584 - noodle
hyponym 107699682 - orzo
hyponym 107699914 - spaghetti
hyponym 107700095 - spaghettini
hyponym 107700167 - tortellini
hyponym 107700255 - ziti
hyponym 107700348 - rigatoni
hyponym 107700439 - fedelline
hyponym 107700539 - linguine, linguini
hyponym 107700638 - fettuccine, fettuccini
hyponym 107700868 - vermicelli
hyponym 107700964 - macaroni
hyponym 107701053 - lasagna, lasagne
hyponym 107701147 - penne
hyponym 107701244 - cappelletti, ravioli
hyponym 107701372 - tagliatelle
hyponym 107701457 - manicotti
hyponym 107701597 - couscous
hyponym 107702193 - dumpling, dumplings
hyponym 107872492 - mostaccioli

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