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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107673397

Words: oil, vegetable_oil

Gloss: any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants

hypernym 107672135 - edible_fat
substance holonym 107672914 - margarin, margarine, marge, oleo, oleomargarine
derivationally related 300992432 - greasy, oily, oleaginous, sebaceous
hyponym 107673145 - cooking_oil
hyponym 107673872 - sweet_oil
hyponym 107674001 - canola, canola_oil
hyponym 107674161 - coconut_oil, copra_oil
hyponym 107674267 - corn_oil
hyponym 107674393 - cottonseed_oil
hyponym 107674508 - olive_oil
hyponym 107674617 - palm_oil
hyponym 107674749 - groundnut_oil, peanut_oil
hyponym 107674912 - salad_oil
hyponym 107675040 - safflower_oil
hyponym 107675156 - sesame_oil
hyponym 107675262 - soyabean_oil, soybean_oil
hyponym 107675411 - sunflower-seed_oil, sunflower_oil
hyponym 107675535 - walnut_oil
hyponym 111994718 - madia_oil
hyponym 114755641 - drying_oil

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