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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107588947

Words: stew

Gloss: food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables

hypernym 107557434 - dish
derivationally related 200323856 - stew
hyponym 107587111 - pottage
hyponym 107589458 - bigos
hyponym 107589543 - Brunswick_stew
hyponym 107589724 - burgoo
hyponym 107589967 - Spanish_burgoo, olla_podrida
hyponym 107590068 - Irish_burgoo, mulligan, mulligan_stew
hyponym 107590177 - chicken_purloo, poilu, purloo
hyponym 107590320 - Hungarian_goulash, goulash, gulyas
hyponym 107590502 - hotchpotch
hyponym 107590611 - hot_pot, hotpot
hyponym 107591049 - Irish_stew
hyponym 107591162 - oyster_stew
hyponym 107591236 - lobster_stew
hyponym 107591330 - lobscouse, lobscuse, scouse
hyponym 107591473 - fish_stew
hyponym 107592094 - fricassee
hyponym 107592481 - beef_stew
hyponym 107592656 - ragout
hyponym 107592768 - ratatouille
hyponym 107593004 - pot-au-feu
hyponym 107593107 - slumgullion

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