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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106920129

Words: Siouan, Siouan_language

Gloss: a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux

hypernym 106906439 - American-Indian_language, American_Indian, Amerind, Amerindian_language, Indian
hyponym 106908401 - Biloxi
hyponym 106908605 - Catawba
hyponym 106908801 - Chiwere
hyponym 106909391 - Crow
hyponym 106909478 - Dakota
hyponym 106909672 - Dhegiha
hyponym 106909932 - Gros_Ventre, Hidatsa
hyponym 106910039 - Hunkpapa
hyponym 106911180 - Ofo
hyponym 106911265 - Ogalala, Oglala
hyponym 106912838 - Santee
hyponym 106913121 - Tutelo
hyponym 106913214 - Winnebago

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