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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106706676

Words: decoration, laurel_wreath, medal, medallion, palm, ribbon

Gloss: an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event

hypernym 106696483 - accolade, award, honor, honour, laurels
derivationally related 110305062 - medalist, medallist
derivationally related 110305062 - medalist, medallist
derivationally related 202547046 - decorate
hyponym 106707178 - Congressional_Medal_of_Honor, Medal_of_Honor
hyponym 106707382 - Distinguished_Service_Medal
hyponym 106707555 - Distinguished_Service_Cross
hyponym 106707709 - Navy_Cross
hyponym 106707846 - Distinguished_Flying_Cross
hyponym 106708007 - Air_Medal
hyponym 106708167 - Silver_Star, Silver_Star_Medal
hyponym 106708304 - Bronze_Star, Bronze_Star_Medal
hyponym 106708475 - Order_of_the_Purple_Heart, Purple_Heart
hyponym 106708664 - Oak_Leaf_Cluster
hyponym 106708866 - Victoria_Cross
hyponym 106708970 - Distinguished_Conduct_Medal
hyponym 106709112 - Distinguished_Service_Order
hyponym 106709245 - Croix_de_Guerre
hyponym 106709349 - Medaille_Militaire

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