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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106624161

Words: letter, missive

Gloss: a written message addressed to a person or organization; "mailed an indignant letter to the editor"

hypernym 106387980 - text, textual_matter
hypernym 103217458 - document
part holonym 106623614 - correspondence
part holonym 106275634 - mail
hyponym 106624724 - business_letter
hyponym 106624816 - cover_letter, covering_letter
hyponym 106624967 - crank_letter
hyponym 106625062 - encyclical, encyclical_letter
hyponym 106625217 - fan_letter
hyponym 106625329 - personal_letter
hyponym 106625465 - form_letter
hyponym 106625601 - open_letter
hyponym 106625739 - chain_letter
hyponym 106625850 - pastoral
hyponym 106625965 - round_robin
hyponym 106626060 - aerogram, aerogramme, air_letter, airmail_letter
hyponym 106626183 - epistle
hyponym 106626743 - dead_letter, dead_mail
hyponym 106626860 - letter_of_intent
part meronym 106764623 - PS, postscript
part meronym 106787150 - address, destination, name_and_address
part meronym 107012534 - line
hyponym 107186148 - invitation

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