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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106520944

Words: contract

Gloss: a binding agreement between two or more persons that is enforceable by law

hypernym 106771653 - written_agreement
derivationally related 302702656 - contractual
derivationally related 202409941 - contract, sign, sign_on, sign_up
derivationally related 200888786 - contract, undertake
member topic 300289594 - broken, unkept
member topic 300289799 - kept, unbroken
member topic 300938305 - terminated
member topic 302161136 - subscribed
member topic 106392935 - article, clause
part meronym 106393253 - arbitration_clause
part meronym 106394282 - reserve_clause
hyponym 106521878 - adhesion_contract, contract_of_adhesion
hyponym 106522119 - aleatory_contract
hyponym 106522357 - bilateral_contract
hyponym 106522501 - charter
hyponym 106522633 - conditional_contract
hyponym 106522784 - cost-plus_contract
hyponym 106522941 - gambling_contract
hyponym 106523132 - lease
hyponym 106523353 - marriage_contract, marriage_settlement
hyponym 106523473 - output_contract
hyponym 106523641 - insurance, insurance_policy, policy
hyponym 106523842 - purchase_agreement, purchase_contract
hyponym 106523969 - quasi_contract
hyponym 106524111 - requirements_contract
hyponym 106524278 - contract_under_seal, sealed_instrument, special_contract
hyponym 106524454 - service_contract
hyponym 106524552 - severable_contract
hyponym 106524767 - subcontract
hyponym 106526291 - partnership
hyponym 106526486 - articles_of_agreement, shipping_articles
hyponym 106526619 - concession, grant
hyponym 106526961 - collective_agreement, labor_agreement, labor_contract
hyponym 106527320 - employment_agreement, employment_contract
hyponym 106527447 - distribution_agreement
hyponym 106527576 - licensing_agreement
hyponym 106527710 - acquisition_agreement, merger_agreement
hyponym 106528403 - contract_of_hazard, sale_in_gross
member topic 106604548 - loophole
member topic 106632097 - handclasp, handshake, handshaking, shake
member topic 106737394 - contract, declaration
part meronym 106761994 - fine_print, small_print
hyponym 106772837 - indenture
part meronym 107075006 - boilerplate
member topic 200762043 - renegociate, renegotiate

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