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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106497459

Words: alphabet

Gloss: a character set that includes letters and is used to write a language

hypernym 106488880 - character_set
hypernym 106351613 - script
derivationally related 302614194 - alphabetic, alphabetical
derivationally related 302614194 - alphabetic, alphabetical
derivationally related 300100634 - alphabetic, alphabetical
derivationally related 202330967 - alphabetize
derivationally related 200279239 - alphabetise, alphabetize
derivationally related 200279239 - alphabetise, alphabetize
hyponym 106352117 - Armenian, Armenian_alphabet
hyponym 106497872 - Latin_alphabet, Roman_alphabet
hyponym 106498569 - Hebraic_alphabet, Hebrew_alphabet, Hebrew_script
hyponym 106499244 - Greek_alphabet
hyponym 106499796 - Cyrillic, Cyrillic_alphabet
hyponym 106500062 - Arabic_alphabet
hyponym 106500448 - phonetic_alphabet, sound_alphabet
hyponym 106500765 - finger_alphabet, manual_alphabet
member meronym 106828818 - alphabetic_character, letter, letter_of_the_alphabet

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